Friday, December 2, 2011

New Start in the New Year

I'm laying out my plans for the New Year.  I am excited to have found hCg.  I am hopeful that it will be solution for me, but am also being realistic that it will be hard to stick to.  I am in Canada so finding it isn't the easiest thing ever.  I have got some homeopathic drops, I ordered them and they are here.  I had kind of hoped to have them so I could do a round before Christmas but it was not to be, so now I plan on doing 30 to 60 days after the holiday.  Because it's homeopathic I believe going longer than 40 days is acceptable.  But of course we'll see how it's going while I'm in it.  I haven't told many people, two friends at work.  One freaked out and told me I'm nuts.  The other one said she'd wait and see.  I don't think she thinks I'll be able to stick to it, which is fine.  I plan to do two rounds, and then do a leptin reset, a la Primal/Paleo eating.  I am not sure how to incorporate that into my life with baby, as I'm not sure I want him to eat that way, I believe he needs carbs to grow well.  I know he'll get them at daycare, but believe I'll be adding in some for him at dinner.  I believe in the leptin reset exercise is not allowed, so I will add that in afterwards.  Walking is ok I think, which will be good in spring.  And after I will do my circuit training. 

I am eager to get started but do want to wait so I am not restricted over the holidays.  I might not be that upset to not eat too much if I am not hungry, but my family is coming to visit, and there will be lots of chocolate to eat up.  I am looking to lose 60 pounds, and hope to lose 30 or so with the first round.  I am willing and able to do 3 or more rounds.  But am hopeful that two will do the trick!  One would be better of course :-)

For now I am going to focus on trying to maintain where I am, and not go too overboard on holidays.  I hope to cut back a little bit in the short term but am determined to not stress over it too much and relax, enjoy the holidays, and hit the ground running, as they say, in the new year.

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