So far so good. I'm stable! I've been within a less than 2lb range every morning, even after my horrendous cheat at the bridal shower (I ate bread...) and am enjoying the expanded range of foods. I am trying to be good and no carb, it's funny that the bread didn't taste good to me, and I've not been missing the usual suspects like pasta, rice and potatoes. I am hoping this is a good sign.
I've been trying to eat a big breakfast, but not quite up to BAB territory. I just have a hard time eating that much protein for breakfast when I'm not that hungry. I am doing pretty well, big breakfast, salad lunch and protein/veggie dinner. Not much in the way of snacks unless I'm really hungry or, more likely, craving something. I haven't had chips in moths... which is bizarre because I am a chip-o-holic. But so far everything is going well.
I even did a workout last night, 20 minutes and it was easy but felt good to move. I'll try and keep that up, and may even start doing morning workouts if kiddo would just stay asleep a bit longer. 20 minutes, twice a day, should have me toning up. I'm not doing it to lose weight really, HCG is good for that thanks, but just to help reshape what I have left. I did PowerFit workout 1 for shoulders and legs. It moves along quickly which I like, since it helps me from being bored.
I was quite bad and ordered a couple new Leslies, longer ones that I can do 1, 2, 3 etc miles from and don't have to do the whole thing. I love Leslie for being simple to follow, and good for early morning when I don't want to think. The last time I lost weight I was doing Slim in 6 every morning on an empty stomach and then cardio in the evening, usually Leslie for what started as 1 mile and then was 3 and I was craving more. Funny how that was. I might get back there, but not until I've lost the weight I'm sure.
I also ordered the stroller combo I want, it is so awesome and I can't wait to get it, and put it together :-) I am sure we'll get a lot of use out of it, though I will also have to get a bike, probably in May or so (for Mother's Day). I should be lighter by then too so it'll be much easier to bike and run with fewer pounds on me. Even last night the exercise was easier because I am 20 pounds less than last time I did a workout. Easier to bend with less belly in the way...
I made Oopsie Rolls yesterday, don't think I cooked them quite long enough but they are tasty, added to the protein in my breakfast this morning. And some coconut flour brownies, which are a bit, well coconutty. I am hoping I can find something else to replace that, but we'll see. The oopsie rolls were actually pretty easy to make, and I was impressed that I did it. Course I have my new mixer and it really did all the work. I am looking forward to getting my mixer recipe book, and am tempted to look for a good low carb cook book for baking. But that will have to wait a few pay cheques I think. The brownies were also easy to do, but didn't turn out as chocolatey as I might have liked. I'm sure I can modify them, or maybe use a better cocoa? Not sure but I'll experiment a bit. Maybe I'll try almond flour next time... who knows! I'm taking one to work for the afternoon when cravings hit. I am taking a couple in to share too. Actually should take a few as I don't think they'll last long. Only a pair of oopsie rolls left... they will be eaten tomorrow :-) mmm.
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