Saturday, December 31, 2011

VLCD Day 2

So today was a bit better than yesterday, well maybe a lot better? Headache is almost gone, and while I was a bit hungry at times, I wasn't as wasted as I felt yesterday.  So I think the increase in drops, and just sticking with it, is helpful.  I am down too, which was nice.  Down 1 pound from my starting weight.  Woot!  I really hope it continues for a few more pounds.  And that going back to work doesn't derail me completely. 

I ate well today, everything I was supposed to except one melba toast, made up for it with an extra mandarin orange, hit 500 calories exactly, weird.  Probably didn't drink enough water, but we'll see over night if I have to pee 10 times again... Last night sleep was rough, I couldn't breathe through my nose so it was hard to sleep, hopefully that improves tonight too.  Had a little nap which was nice too.  Picked up a couple groceries, it was nice to get out.  The weather was crappy though, I hate winter lol.

I plan to go to Costco next Saturday and get some lean ground beef, and whatever else we need by then.  Baby was asking for burgers today and I really only have chicken in the house... so he had toast for dinner because he wouldn't eat any chicken.  Sigh. Two more days then he goes back to daycare and will get to have a better variety I guess.  Need to come up with two more dinners though. I guess I should have bought some ground beef today.  I wasn't thinking.  Oh well, we'll survive I guess.  Jackson may get bored with meals over the next couple days.  Hopefully it works out ok.  Once the new year starts, and the new work week starts, it will get better. I may even have the self control to get him McDonalds for dinner one night... or at least make him a burger lol. 

It's New Year's Eve, and I'll be in bed before midnight for sure.  I have my resolutions set, lose weight, save money, enjoy my child.  And in more detail than that :-) 

Friday, December 30, 2011

VLCD day 1

I feel like crap.  Hungry and strange.  I am going to up my drops from 10 to 12 or so, hopefully that will help.  But I also feel very stuffy, and head achy, which is probably from detoxing from sugar and caffeine, I'm guessing.  I'm hoping.  If that's the case it should get better in a few days, hopefully before I go back to work.  Calorie and food wise, I did perfect, which is nice, but was hard!  Right now I could eat a cow lol... but I will try not to.  I just took my last drops for the day, hopefully that will help a bit soon.  I'll have some more water tonight, and maybe a green tea.  Probably go to bed early too.  Had a nap this afternoon which was nice, but with finding it hard to breathe it was difficult.  I'm not stuffed up really, it just feels like my nose/sinuses are swollen.  Or something like that any way.  Nothing I can take I'm sure.  Nothing I have at home to take any way. 

Hopefully tomorrow I will wake up to a big loss.  Today I have had to pee a lot, been hungry, and was the same weight as yesterday, so no big gain.  Perhaps I didn't eat enough for the two days?  Hard to know I guess at this point, hopefully the drops start working soon or I'll have to give up and try something else.  Which would suck, and be slower.  Yes I want a quick fix... a quick way to see changes on the scale.  I am really hoping one round will do it but think it will take 2 to get where I want to be, or close enough that I can finish with some exercise and maybe the Leptin Reset.  Being overweight sucks, doing something about it is hard.  Hopefully this is going to make it easier, not harder.  But I'd still like to eat that cow :-)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Loading days

Yesterday I weighed in at 191.4 pounds.  Eek!  I don't like my new scale lol.  I did start my drops, took them 3 times, and ate.  A lot.  I feel a bit odd, it's hard to describe, hungry but not.  So I ate a lot of food, and did what I'm supposed to.  Today I'm doing the same.  I gained 1 pound yesterday, which I believe is what I'm supposed to do. Tomorrow I start the VLCD part of the diet, and am nervous about being hungry.  I am glad I have 4 days at home to get used to this.  I am planning to do eggs and spinach for breakfast, and chicken with veggies for supper.  No lunch, except for some tea and water.  I know I'm supposed to have lunch and dinner but I need to eat when Jackson eats or he won't eat much.  So I'll have breakfast with him, and dinner, he eats lunch "on the go" while playing, and I normally eat while he's napping.  Good time for me to start since I can nap in the afternoon if I am hungry or whatever. 

The weather has been too cold to get out and play or walk, hopefully we get a few days soon when we can.  I don't want to do too much, but it would be nice to enjoy the outdoors a bit!

My first goal is 150 pounds, at that point I will be happy to end my first round, though it will also partly depend on the number of days it takes, 60 days max.  I'm sure I can do this, so many people have.  It will be hard, I'm set in my ways lol, so eating a new style will be difficult but I know I can do it.  I have to remember to feed the baby well too, he will still be getting carbs, and might get tired of noodles before too long :-)  but I'll do some rice, and get some potatoes soon for him.  All in all, this is going to be great!  Once I get going and see the numbers go DOWN instead of UP.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

HhCG starts tomorrow

I had planned to start on January 1st, but due to some money stuff, and what I have in my fridge/freezer/cupboards, I've decided to start tomorrow.  I have a good amount of "loading" food to get going with for two days, then I have a bunch of chicken, eggs and veggies to last until pay day.  Obviously I have other food for the baby, who won't be on the diet lol, but will be eating some chicken, eggs and veggies with me, plus some pasta, noodles and potatoes.  He normally eats pretty healthy any way, and I don't make him clean his plate, or eat what I think he should. 

So tomorrow I get to start my drops, hopefully I remember to take them lol, and then eat a lot.  For two days.  It helps that I have no New Year's Eve plans, so nothing exciting going on.  I do hope I see some kind of losses on the scale with this, I'd like to lose 5 pounds before I go back to work on January 3rd.  That's 2 days of loading followed by 4 days of VLCD.  Which hopefully will work out to 5 pounds.  We'll see I guess!  I hope to be able to blog my journey daily, but since I have a toddler, that may not always happen.  He is keeping me rather busy lately, and that's part of why I'm trying this out. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

New Start in the New Year

I'm laying out my plans for the New Year.  I am excited to have found hCg.  I am hopeful that it will be solution for me, but am also being realistic that it will be hard to stick to.  I am in Canada so finding it isn't the easiest thing ever.  I have got some homeopathic drops, I ordered them and they are here.  I had kind of hoped to have them so I could do a round before Christmas but it was not to be, so now I plan on doing 30 to 60 days after the holiday.  Because it's homeopathic I believe going longer than 40 days is acceptable.  But of course we'll see how it's going while I'm in it.  I haven't told many people, two friends at work.  One freaked out and told me I'm nuts.  The other one said she'd wait and see.  I don't think she thinks I'll be able to stick to it, which is fine.  I plan to do two rounds, and then do a leptin reset, a la Primal/Paleo eating.  I am not sure how to incorporate that into my life with baby, as I'm not sure I want him to eat that way, I believe he needs carbs to grow well.  I know he'll get them at daycare, but believe I'll be adding in some for him at dinner.  I believe in the leptin reset exercise is not allowed, so I will add that in afterwards.  Walking is ok I think, which will be good in spring.  And after I will do my circuit training. 

I am eager to get started but do want to wait so I am not restricted over the holidays.  I might not be that upset to not eat too much if I am not hungry, but my family is coming to visit, and there will be lots of chocolate to eat up.  I am looking to lose 60 pounds, and hope to lose 30 or so with the first round.  I am willing and able to do 3 or more rounds.  But am hopeful that two will do the trick!  One would be better of course :-)

For now I am going to focus on trying to maintain where I am, and not go too overboard on holidays.  I hope to cut back a little bit in the short term but am determined to not stress over it too much and relax, enjoy the holidays, and hit the ground running, as they say, in the new year.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

back, I think

Well I'm trying to get back on track, it sure is hard!  With the changes to daycare and other stuff, the baby is going to bed a bit earlier than he had been, so I'm hopeful it will be possible to get back on track.  Plus my Firm Express shipped and should be here Thursday!  I will hopefully start it next Monday. 
I did Leslie 1 mile jog today, after a nice walk with dog and baby.  It was pretty good, and easy but I felt good after.  I've been tracking my food on my new phone, and after I log my day it tells me what I would weigh in 5 weeks if I keep doing that... not usually good news lol, but this week has been just to get in the habit of logging, and then to start actually paying attention to it.  Make sense?

Sunday, July 31, 2011


I've been getting frustrated, I seem to be gaining weight instead of losing, which is making me very unhappy, and making me want to stop.  I have actually taken a few days off to reevaluate my diet and plan.  And when I weighed myself this morning I was back down 5 pounds... so who knows what it all means.  I have 8 days of nutrisystem dinners, and 15 days of breakfasts and lunches left from my 2 month attempt last fall, so I am doing 8 days straight of nutrisystem, then a week of just the breakfasts and lunches.  I need to get the workouts going again as well.  I have a plan for that, and should be able to stick to it.  I am looking forward to September and getting the Firm Express set, which I also have a plan for :-)

I got the last of the DVD's I've ordered, so I have quite a selection.  Part of me is a little annoyed with them though.  When you say "30 minute workout" on the DVD then it should be 30 minutes, not 30 minutes plus a warm up and cool down to make it 50 minutes... that is simply annoying.  I don't have 50 minutes at a time! It's part of why I haven't done 30 day Shred again, it says 20 minutes but is closer to 30 minutes... at least Firm Express is 20 minutes exactly, maybe plus a few seconds, but that's it!  I like that. 

My workout DVD library has increased greatly, and I hope they all work.  I know I need to do them to see results, and I will.  I think I just needed a couple days to refocus on why I'm doing it, and what I expect to get as results.  I know I need to lose weight, many pounds, but I also know I want to be able to carry my son, and play with him, and have fun doing it all.  It's not just about losing weight, though that is the real goal of course.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday July 19

Well I haven't posted in awhile but I have been working out.  I have received quite a few of the DVD's I was waiting for, including from the lady in the US.  She sent me 5 DVD's not the two I was expecting! I've only tried one so far but I liked it.  A couple of the others are a bit longer so I won't be able to do them often. 

Today I did PowerFit Plus, the two disc set, both discs.  They are good, not nearly as intense as the Firm Express set but good.  I can see using them.  I tried a Jackie Warner workout yesterday and it was good, but intense, and shoulder heavy.  My shoulders are not that great so I can see I need it, but I won't enjoy it as much as I could. 

Still waiting on a few more DVD's to arrive, 5 I think, with 6 workouts or something like that.  Maybe more workouts than that I can't remember lol.  I am also excited that I'll be able to get Firm Express in September.  I have about 6 weeks before it's available where I can buy it, so that's 6 weeks to get in better shape.   Then it'll take a bit to get here of course. 

I also got This is Why You're Fat, by Jackie Warner, and it's a good book.  I am sort of starting the two weeks, but doing other workouts, and probably not getting as much water, fruit and veggies as she says.  But I have added oatmeal and the eggs, and protein shake, to my day.  So that is a good start.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thursday July 7

I did Firm Ignite, the first one, and once again sweat buckets!  But I got it better, the steps that is, I guess I really do have two left feet lol.  I've only really been doing simple walking workouts, Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds stuff with nice simple steps that don't require much thought.  This stuff I'm doing now is harder, but also a little more fun.  Not that I don't like my Leslie's, they are my go to for blah days I don't want to even take the dog for a walk.  But I have all these new ones to try!

I almost bought one at Indigo today but it was $3 more than through Amazon, so I am waiting, and will likely place an order Friday or Saturday, for the DVD I want and a book that looks good. 

Any way, I took the dog for a walk, and did the workout.  I picked up some protein powder which isn't too bad, and ate fairly well, except for lunch :-)  tomorrow is another day!  And the fridge has lots of veggies in it now. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday July 6

Another good workout day, we went for a walk after dinner, it was hot but good.  Then I did the third Firm workout on the DVD I have, it was 35 minutes but pretty complete so it felt good.  Beginners aren't supposed to use weights, so I didn't, but think I will for at least some exercises next time.  I want to feel the burn!!  :-)

Eating wise, not so good!  But could have been worse I suppose.  I really need to get something for after my workout, pigging out on junk is not a great idea! Defeats the purpose of the workout, right?  I've been drinking lots of water at least, so that's a good thing!

All in all, I'm anxious to get the rest of the dvd's I ordered, I want to get a complete rotation going, and I am hopeful the 20 minute workouts will be a little better (easier) for morning workouts.  Come on mail delivery!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday July 5

Well today wasn't too bad.  I managed to get out for a walk after dinner, it was really hot but we did it!  The dog was tired and hot when we got home, he's upstairs on my bed in front of the air conditioner right now :-)

After the baby went to bed, I did Sculptilates by Firm, it was pretty good.  I think they are an intermediate workout, the 4 express Firm workouts I got on one DVD.  I do like it, it's pretty good, and it was a good ab workout, which I really need.  I found it weird that my hip flexors were the painful part, not that my abs didn't burn too lol.  I like that it was 31 minutes, and well timed, the instructor was really good at cueing, though I don't know what some of the moves were, I will know for next time :-)  And it wasn't high impact, or really cardio at all, so I didn't feel bad for having two left feet! 

All in all, my diet was good enough.  I know I need to clean things up, I guess right now I'm trying to incorporate more healthy food, like fruits and veggies, less stuff like chips and chocolate.  Rather than focusing on making too many changes at once.  The hard part is that I have a kid to feed, and yes I want him to eat healthy, but I also need to be able to cook quick meals, easy and something he'll eat.  He eats quite a variety for the most part so that's good, but sometimes he gets a little weird about food.

Any way.  Another day done! woo hoo!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Monday July 4

Haven't posted in awhile but I have been working out.  Just finished Firm Total Body Time Crunch Express, and it was good!  I quite liked it actually and will do it again for sure.  It was 25 minutes but covered the whole body.  Not as intense as the Firm Express workouts, or Jillian for that matter, but it was nice any way.  

I have a couple DVD's on the way now, I ordered from a great sale, 3 DVD's which is 4 workouts, plus the ones from the lady from, she let me know she shipped them Friday.  So that will all be great, I'll need to figure out some rotation to use everything I've got. There are a couple more I'd like to get, by another instructor, to add some variety. That should do me for awhile! 

I ran 3 days last week, hopefully I'll do that again this week.  I'm debating using Jillian's 30 day Shred for 30 straight days, but she just talks to much!  Wondering if I can mix it all up and still have it work as well. My goal is 20 pounds, first goal any way.  I know diet will play a big role, I'm hoping to get that started off right this week. I will get some protein powder this week, it should all be good .  Salad, veggies, fruit and some lean protein.  I think I need more rice, but not much else really.  Milk for baby boy of course lol.

Any way, back to it!  Working out is going relatively well, and I'm finding some things I enjoy.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday week 2

Well I believe I've been at this for a whole week now.  And I've gained two pounds.  But I'm going to assume that's water or something at this point.  Right?  I did a great job today!  I had a pretty good breakfast, did break and get a muffin at coffee, but had a good lunch with salad, rice and salmon.  A pretty decent dinner too.  Sitting here starving right now but not sure what I can eat.  I need to look up some good after workout/before bed snacks I guess. 

I took the dog for a run after work as rain was forecast and I knew we wouldn't get out after dinner.  It was another 20 minute run, bookended with 5 minute walks.  I feel pretty good about that, it's enough to make me sweat, him pant, and I think we both get a good workout.  It was freaking hot out there, but that's ok. 

The power went out twice, right around baby's bedtime, so he didn't get a bath tonight and it kind of stinky, not much to do for it I guess.  When it came back on I quickly popped in the Firm tape and did the first workout again.  I am better at the choreography, but it's still hard and quick.  I felt pretty good about it though.  I used 3lb dumbbells, which is pretty light, but whatever.  I then did Slim and Limber to cool down and get a good stretch.  That made the whole thing take a bit longer than I would have liked, but I guess that's ok.

Any way.  I'm feeling good and powerful.  Just wish the scale was moving in the other direction.  I know diet is a bit deal, so it'll be the thing to really focus on when I get back from my parents place after the long weekend.  Off to google snacks, and watch 19 Kids and Counting, then get to bed!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday June 26

Today has been an interesting day.  I did not get up early enough to workout and felt bad about that.  I also didn't get up in time to finish making my lunch, so took only my salad and a handful of nuts & raisins for an afternoon snack.  I ended up buying more at work than I had intended to, and therfore eating poorly.  I did better for dinner, having a nice sensible dinner.  And am now enjoying (I use that term loosly) a protein shake.  Well protein in water any way. 

I did great with workouts considering I didn't get up in time.  I took the dog for a 20 minutes jog after work, which was difficult but I made it.  I sweat a lot.  Then after I put the baby to bed I did level 1 of 30 day Shred.  And it was hard, and higher impact than I would like.  But I did it, and I will feel it tomorrow.  HOopefully I will get up early enough tomorrow to do something then, and get in another workout.  It's supposed to rain, so no after work run, but I might be able to do something else. 

I need to get some more protein powder, mine is kind of old, and vanilla.  I like vanilla in things, like a nice smoothie, but on it's own, bleh.  I need to figure out what to do about after workout/before bed snacks.  I know I need to have some protein and think some carbs would be a good idea too.  I'll have to check and see what I can do.  I am always hungry after, so if I don't have something in mind that's healthy, I'll graze and end up eating cheese & crackers, or ice cream lol. 

Any way.  Today was a mixed bag but I feel good, and think I'm on the right track.  Tomorrow is another day, and will be even better!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Well today was a good day.  At least I ate well, lots of veggies :-)  And the weather cleared up so we were able to go for a walk this afternoon.  It was HOT!  But good.  I also picked up Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred, and a Firm compilation dvd at Indigo.  I'm looking forward to trying Jillian tomorrow morning, 20 minutes is doable!  Well it should be any way. 

Thankfully the postal strike is almost over too so I will be able to get something new if I want to, and the lovely lady in the US will be able to send me the DVD's she was going to give me.  I should be able to put together a nice little rotation with all these.  I could do 30 straight days of Jillian but am thinking I'd get bored with the same person for 30 straight days.  So I'm thinking of alternating that with the Firm's I got yesterday, and throwing in the new ones I got today on the weekends.  I can do my short yoga workouts in the evening, and will still walk after dinner of course.  I think it will be a nice little balance, and as I get more into it, and happier doing the workouts, I will want to do more and longer. 

Lunch is mostly prepped for tomorrow, I need to put together my snacks and cut up an apple or something.  Hopefully I can stick to things and do well this week.  The weekend will be hard since I go to my parents for 4 days, so workouts won't really happen.  I should be able to get some walks in, weather permitting, and do a workout Friday morning, and Monday before bed.  Once I'm back from that there are not more vacations until early August.  So I can devote some time and energy, and plan things a little better.

Good luck to me for the coming week, early mornings, and 20 minute workouts.  I feel a bit relieved that it's only 20 minutes, even having done one of them already, and it was not easy by any means.  I don't think Jillian will be any easier.  But I can do anything for 20 minutes!  Right?  :-)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day Five

I think it's day 5 any way.  I didn't do a workout yesterday, and ate rather poorly, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been.  Today has been good.  The weather wasn't so great, so we went to Walmart to kill some time, I managed to find Firm Ignite Calorie Burn and just finished the first of the two workouts.  It was pretty tough, but good.  I think after I do it a few times I'll get the moves a little better, I was two left feet lol. 

I got some great suggestions for workouts, and a very lovely lady is going to send me two when the stupid postal strike is over.  I can't wait to get them :-)  And there are a few on that are good prices I might look at getting as well, though I might wait until I get the ones from the lady is the US and see how they are.  They are all short, up to 30 minutes, and either circuits or cardio plus weights in other variations.  I am hopeful that I can get up to do 20 minutes in the morning, and maybe 30 after work or after baby goes to bed. 

I ate fairly well today, well started out badly I guess but ended up good.  I'm having a hard time with that, I just love food, especially junk food and bad for me food lol.  I'm better than I have been, but still not great.  And I'm noticing that when I workout hard, I seem to want to eat more. 

The weather cleared up enough this afternoon to get out for a short walk, 30 minutes, it started raining on the way back but we made it home without getting too wet.  The weather has cooled off a bit any way.  Hopefully tomorrow is good.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day Three

Today was an interesting day.  I had a hard time getting up to workout as I had a very bad headache.  I blame the rainy weather.  I finally did get up but it was too late to workout.  I had a good breakfast, and took some pain killers which helped a lot.  I packed my lunch, very healthy stuff, and got ready for the day. 

I was not so good at work, I ended up getting a BLT, even though I shouldn't have!  I was so hungry.  Does working out (even if I missed this morning's workout)  make you want to eat more?  I hope that's temporary because it'll kind of defeat the purpose!  I also ended up getting an extra coffee (with sugar and cream!)  So I ended up trashing the day.  To cap it off I stopped at Burger King to get supper on my way home.  And then got sick after eating it... So maybe that doesn't count? 

I did just finish a workout though.  And went for a walk after dinner.  It was very hot and humid so the walk wasn't as far as I would have liked, but it was decent and the dog enjoyed it.  He is now hiding in his crate because there was some thunder an hour ago... Any way.  I did Kathy Smith Timesaver Lift Weights to Lose Weight Lower Body workout.  20 minutes, very efficient and it felt good.  I'm still a bit sore from the other day, and am hoping that gets better over time. 

I am wishing I had the time to do Slim in 6.  That is a workout I know works, but it's an hour long and I don't have an hour straight.  I'm wondering if I can split the workouts, do half in the morning and the rest after baby goes to bed.  I might look at them closer and see if it would work.  I don't think they'll be as effective that way but at least I'd be doing the ones I like, you know what I mean?  Right now I am just trying basically all of my videos trying to find something I really like... and it's not going that well!  I know there are a lot more workouts out there but I am also trying to save some money.

One funny thing I noticed after today's workout, I like beachbody workouts because they have the countdown timer that shows how much time is left in the section, and in the workout... very handy! 

Tomorrow is another day, hopefully I do well.  Though it is Friday, and that's usually breakfast day at work... which means bacon day... mmm bacon. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day Two

The second day went a lot better.  I was able to get my butt out of bed and do the upper body/abs workout (from Project You) and it was pretty good.  I'm still finding it strange that I'm not enjoying weight workouts when I used to love them.  Perhaps it's the speed or something, I don't know.  I'd still like to do a couple weeks of this before doing CLX.  I used 3lb dumbbells for everything, except one back move that I had to drop the weights for.  I'll up the weight on a few things next time but this was a good intro. 

I'm sore today, my abs and butt lol.  I guess that's good right?  I did a cardio workout after the baby went to bed.  Not sure I really liked it but it made me sweaty.  It was Burn it Off from CLX because it was 27 minutes, which fit in the time frame I wanted.  I guess it's a good workout, just seemed odd to me, I'm used to a more steady movement, and this seemed quite stop and go.  But like I said, I was sweaty, so that's gotta be a good thing!

I also ate fairly well today, I did cheat a little bit, which I hate saying, because it's not really cheating to me.  But I had a few things I hadn't planned on.  And the fiber is getting to me lol, so much fruits, veggies and fibre!  My poor tummy is bloated and feels huge... but I guess that's good too!  I wasn't that hungry for dinner, which was nice.  Hopefully that continues!  I really wanted to stop for a burger but I didn't, because my tummy felt too full. 

Now for tomorrow, back to lower body, though I don't know how I'll manage it lol, my legs are so sore already!  I'll try though, hopefully my abs are getting stronger, because they sure feel tight and worked.  They have always been a weak point for me, and after having a baby they are in pretty sad shape. 

Oh, and no walk today, it's raining and while the baby and I could probably do it, he's in a rough mood, and I do hate getting wet.  The dog refuses to leave the house when it rains, and will hold it all day long!  He is right now hiding upstairs in case I try to make him go out. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day One

Well I didn't get off to a great start.  I blame the f'ing neighbours who were having a party from 3 to 4am... I had a hard time getting up this morning to do a workout.  I did take my food to work, and had a pretty healthy day food wise, though I got a tea with sugar which I shouldn't have done but I needed some pep!  We went for a walk after dinner, about 30 minutes to do 3k, which isn't the best but could be worse, and it's hard with a baby in stroller and a dog whose an idiot that barks and tries to attack other dogs.  Makes for a fun time!  No excuse but I also had a hard time with my tummy after all the veggies, beans and fiber today... good thing we were outside :-)

I just did Project You: Lower Body & Abs... ouchie!!  My abs are going to feel that tomorrow for sure.  My legs are sore too.  It's funny how I used to love weight training because I found it easier than cardio, and now I'm thinking I like cardio better!  Crazy.  But at least I did the workout today.  I feel good about that.  I didn't use weights today, but feel I can for some of the moves next time, this was more a refresher to review the workout so I know the moves. 

I've got my lunch made up for tomorrow too, breakfast will be the only thing left to chance.  Really it's two choices, and both are good so either will do, just depends how much time I have.  I really want to get up and do the upper body workout in the morning.  I suspect the extra ab work will kill me but I know abs are one of those muscles that can get a good workout everyday.

Now to drink some more water (and hopefully not too much so I don't have to pee all night!) and maybe have a bit of protein so my muscles can recover.  Feels silly to do that after a relatively easy workout, I mean compared to what a lot of people do this was easy.  But I think it still works!

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Beginning

I've decided to start a fitness & weight loss blog to go with my mama blog.  I am hoping it will keep me more on track, and accountable.  And allow me to keep things separate, exercise and healthy eating separate from parenting and all that stuff :-) 

My plan, right now, is to get up early enough to workout every morning.  I am hoping to start with 30 minute workouts, focusing on weight training/toning, since I do almost daily walks after dinner with the dog and baby, that will count as my cardio.  I plan to add in after work short cardio workouts though I might not be able to do that everyday as I have other things to do after work, and a short time to get it done before picking up J from daycare. 

Since today is my last day of vacation, I begin tomorrow!  I forgot to buy some sweet potatoes at the store today, but since Wednesday is pay day, Thursday is quick shop day.  I stop to pick up a few things on my way home, fresh stuff and sometimes milk, that I need to get through to the weekend.  Today I am going to do some prep work, cut up & wash some lettuce, cook some wild rice, find some recipes to make, possibly cut up some veggies and things as well.  Oh, and wash the grapes I bought so they are ready to go (and easy to grab).

I had an awesome book that I really loved, Fat Loss Plan by Matt Roberts, and I loaned it to someone, never to see it again.  It's no longer printed, so I couldn't just buy a copy from Chapters, however, I did manage to find a used copy online, and ordered it.  It came last Monday and is exactly what I remember.  I loved the recipes, and the diet is easy, it's two choices for every meal, plus healthy snacks.  I loved the recipes and the fact it's mostly fish, vegetarian, and some chicken.  That's the way I like to eat, so this makes it easy!  The food is also "baby friendly" though I may add a few potatoes or noodles for him as he is little and still needs lots of fat and carbs.  The book has a workout plan in it as well, but I tend to do my own workouts and just follow the diet.  It worked before, I'm sure it'll work again 

For workouts I will be starting with Kathy Smith, Project You (the original one, not the Type II diabetes one).  I don't care for the basic cardio workout, but the weight training is good and comprehensive.  I'll be starting with that, and possibly using the Kathy Smith Timesaver Lift Weights, which is also an upper and lower body workout.  I'll alternate, doing 2 upper and 2 lower body workouts a week, with probably a yoga workout on one day.  I would like to add in a full body workout on Saturday, but we'll have to see how that goes.  If I have time after work I'll do the second cardio workout, or another short cardio workout. 

So, since I start tomorrow, and baby is currently napping, I'd better go get that wild rice cooked, lettuce cleaned up, and what ever other prep I need done.  My goal is to lose 20 pounds.  I need to lose more, but that is the first, most important goal.  Once I've been able to do that I will evaluate what's next.  Since I do want another baby at some point, I may decide to do that before losing more weight, or I may lose more before that... we'll see when I get there :-)

The reasons I'm doing this, is for my son, and the family I want to have.  Yes I want to look great, and be able to buy clothes from any store, and not the biggest size the place sells.  I want to show my son that a healthy lifestyle is active, and be able to play and run around with him.  I don't want to be the lazy mom who sits on the sidelines and watches.  I want to be out there!