Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day Three

Today was an interesting day.  I had a hard time getting up to workout as I had a very bad headache.  I blame the rainy weather.  I finally did get up but it was too late to workout.  I had a good breakfast, and took some pain killers which helped a lot.  I packed my lunch, very healthy stuff, and got ready for the day. 

I was not so good at work, I ended up getting a BLT, even though I shouldn't have!  I was so hungry.  Does working out (even if I missed this morning's workout)  make you want to eat more?  I hope that's temporary because it'll kind of defeat the purpose!  I also ended up getting an extra coffee (with sugar and cream!)  So I ended up trashing the day.  To cap it off I stopped at Burger King to get supper on my way home.  And then got sick after eating it... So maybe that doesn't count? 

I did just finish a workout though.  And went for a walk after dinner.  It was very hot and humid so the walk wasn't as far as I would have liked, but it was decent and the dog enjoyed it.  He is now hiding in his crate because there was some thunder an hour ago... Any way.  I did Kathy Smith Timesaver Lift Weights to Lose Weight Lower Body workout.  20 minutes, very efficient and it felt good.  I'm still a bit sore from the other day, and am hoping that gets better over time. 

I am wishing I had the time to do Slim in 6.  That is a workout I know works, but it's an hour long and I don't have an hour straight.  I'm wondering if I can split the workouts, do half in the morning and the rest after baby goes to bed.  I might look at them closer and see if it would work.  I don't think they'll be as effective that way but at least I'd be doing the ones I like, you know what I mean?  Right now I am just trying basically all of my videos trying to find something I really like... and it's not going that well!  I know there are a lot more workouts out there but I am also trying to save some money.

One funny thing I noticed after today's workout, I like beachbody workouts because they have the countdown timer that shows how much time is left in the section, and in the workout... very handy! 

Tomorrow is another day, hopefully I do well.  Though it is Friday, and that's usually breakfast day at work... which means bacon day... mmm bacon. 

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