Saturday, January 28, 2012

Planned Interuption

Well I'm on a PI, last drops were yesterday noon.  I was starving all day long, so I've decided to stop the drops until my patches arrive.  I hope that they arrive so this is only a PI and not a P3, but we'll see what happens, either way, I'm doing 30 days on the patches when they arrive, it'll just be a question of whether I load or not lol.  I cheated quite a bit yesterday, but was only up .2 today, so still not too bad.  I am hoping to hover around the 175 mark for my PI, but if I drop below 174 I will be thrilled lol, that is my next goal so it's great. 

I picked up some pork and things for my PI, some avocados too.  I will pick up a few things at Costco next weekend if I need to, depends when the patches arrive.  I think the PI will be about 10 days, which is perfect. 

I am still pretty happy with my results, about .6lbs lost per day, that's crazy isn't it?  I mean it's quite high compared to every other diet I've done in the past.  I am sure I'll continue on to get to my goals, just need to work at it a bit more.  And get over this little hunger hump. 

I think the hunger is from ovulating.  I'm not temp charting right now because I think HCG can mess that up, but I am pretty sure it's ovulation time, according to my FF tracker any way.  I also think it was that time when I started and had hunger issues then. So for me hunger comes now rather than at TOM.  Strange but true!  At least knowing this I should be able to do something about it the next time, even if it means upping my protein quite a bit. 

Here's to pork chops! :-)

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